Monday 11 October 2010

Interval training

Interval training is periods of high intensity work interspersed with specific rest periods.

Old school
In our lesson we ran 150m 8 times, after each run we would walk back to the start line for one minute(our rest period). Mostly we were over the anarobic threshold, And anarobic work makes lactic acid which causes burn in your muscles, chest and lungs but training develops lactic tolerance which is more affective to have in sport.

Heart rate response
In these runs our heart rate response  was wavey and both thresholds were hit - the aerobic thresholed (working with oxygen) e.g a light jog and the anarobic threshold (orking without oxygen) e.g sprinting. 
The kind of athletes that would use this type of training are games players. E.g  Ryan Giggs.

New school
In this lesson we worked for 3 mins and rested for 1 mins we done 5 rounds. The session included 
5 pressups
10 kettle bell swings
 15 walking lunges
1 wall bar climb

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