Unit 1: Fitness Testing & Training

Assignment 1
For this assignment the sport i have chosen is football. The fitness requirements are the following:
1.Co-ordination to give the pass or receive a pass, this skill is used mostly by center midfielders or the play maker in the team.E.g Xavi Hernandez.
2.C.v endurance to keep going through the whole match this is vital for every position.E.g Ryan Giggs.

3.Speed is to lose your marker if your a striker or winger or to catch up a striker or winger if your a defender.E.g Theo Walcott.

4.Agility is for the smaller faster strikers or wingers to change direction from other players such as defenders or center mid. E.g Lional Messi.

5.Strength is mostly for defenders to tackle, hold of players and to win a header. Also for center midfielders to hold to ball.E.g Nemanja Vidic.
6.Flexibility is the most important fitness requirement because without it you wouldn't get your body in the right places when you get tackled and will suffer a serious injury. Also keepers use flexibility when they make saves.E.g Iker Casillas.
7.Power is vital for striking the ball because you are using strength and speed when you are striking the ball to generate alot of force.E.g Paul Scholes.
The positions I play in football  are left back, left wing and striker. The best left back in the world is Ashley Cole. The fitness requirements need to achieve an excellence in this position are  
1.Strength to get the tackles in and stay on their feet after the tackle to play the left midfielders down the line.
2.C.v endurance + muscular endurance to keep going for the whole match with out becoming fatigued and to keep tackling the oppositions players.
3.Speed is for running up to support the left winger or to chase after a striker/winger who has got passed you or your center backs.
4.Flexibility because with out it you would be injured all the time so Being flexibly is to get into positions after a tackle.
5.Co-ordination to co-ordinate your feet to tackle the opposition, give or take a pass or header a loose ball or long ball over the top.
The things i need to improve on to become a player like Ashley Cole is my strength to get stronger in the tackles and c.v endurance and muscular endurance to keep going through the whole match but i already have speed and flexibility. This is a video of Ashley Cole scoring.
The best in the world at left winger is Lionel Messi. The reason Lionel Messi is so good at his position is because he posses all of the following fitness requirements to the highest standered.
1.Speed to get passed the fullback or center back.
2.Agility is to turn defenders, jump over tackles at high speed and to get into the position to shot the ball.
3.C.v endurance. All good wingers need good c.v endurance because they are always on the move and you want your wingers playing through the whole match. Like Messi, he's always looking for the ball through, making runs and always wanting to take on defenders.
4.Power, he has alot of power because he has an incredible shot. He also needs power to jump up and header the ball E.g from a corner, cross.
5.Co-ordination is for him to use his skills like step overs and moving the ball from alternate feet to get passed defenders. He also needs co-ordination to receive a pass or give a pass or get a header on the end of a cross.
The difference between left-back and left-wing, with left wing you need more speed and agility to get passed defenders but with left-back you need more strength to tackle oncoming attackers.   
I think that the best striker in the world is Didier Drogber. I feel he is the best because he has
1.Power to push passed defenders and strike the ball.
2.Speed to loose the defender and get to the ball.
3.C.v endurance to keep going through the whole match.
4.Co-ordination to hit a volley or get a header.
5.Agility to move at high speed passed defenders.
But their are two different types of defenders their is a strong powerful striker like Didier Drogber or a fast skillful striker like Cristiano Ronaldo. The fitness requirements needed to become a fast skillful striker are:
3.C.v endurance
If you look the top 3 of a winger and a fast skillful striker are the same. Now here is a video of Cristiano Ronaldo and Didier Drogber.


The components of fitness needed to achieve an excellence in football are
1.Co-ordination because you wont be able to give or take a pass in a game of football.
2.C.v endurance to last the whole match.
3.Speed to get passed players or catch up to players.
4.Flexibility to not get injured.
5.Agility turn at speed to get the ball or tackle a player with the ball.
6.Strength to not get pushed around.
7.Power to kick the ball as hard as you can.
8.Balance static to stay standing and not fall over. Dynamic is when running to not fall over.
9.Muscular endurance to keep your muscles working and tackling till the end of the match.
10.Body composition to keep your body in shape.
Part 2
The training methods needed for football are :
Continuous training:steady exercise at a medium intensity with no bursts of activity or rest periods.
Cross training: is Performing a variety of different exercises as part of your fitness routine, which allows you to work different muscle groups.
Footballers will use cross training because it works on more than one muscle group and the main components it trains are mostly power, c.v endurance, muscular endurance, strength, agility speed.
The player that i am concentrating is Lionel Messi. Lionel Messi will use cross training to improve his c.v endurance and his muscular endurance. Messi will need this because he will have to keep going till the end of the match. Cross training is also useful because it cane train more than two components of fitness including strength, power, agility, speed. Messi will also need these to push defenders to get the ball, power to kick the ball or to jump up for a header. Agility to turn players at speed and speed to get a loose ball or loose defenders in a cloud of dust and grass. 
Lionel Messi Barcelona player Lionel Messi completes a drill as his manager Josep Guardiola looks on during a FC Barcelona Training Session at Bisham Abbey on July 22, 2009 in Marlow, England.
This is Lionel Messi using agility to turn direction with the ball!
Interval training:Periods of high intensity work interspersed with specific rest periods.
Old school: commonly 8x150m. This is very good for games players such as Messi. This kind of training develops speed, c.v endurance and muscular endurance.
Messi will use this training to improve his speed and he needs this to  get passed players in games.
This will also improve on c.v endurance and muscular endurance and Messi will need these to get through the whole game without becoming fatigued. 

Interval training
New school-Is like cross training but has intervals instead of no intervals.
Lionel Messi will use new school interval training to improve his power and strength. Messi will need power to kick the ball with venom. Also will need strength to not get barged off the ball.

Assingment 2

The positions I am choosing are a goal keeper and a striker. the goal keeper i am modeling this on is David James (Bristol city Ex-England goal keeper).The striker i am modeling this on is Jermaine Defoe (Tottenham Hotspur and England striker). The work load of a keeper is very little compared with a striker because the keeper doesn't need to run around as much as a striker but a keeper is jumping around and landing in weird positions and will cause alot of injurys. The work load for a striker includs alot of running and needs alot of c.v endurance and muscular endurance as a keeper  will only need reaction time, flexability and co-ordination. Both of the positions need co-ordination but for differnt resons the goal keeper will need co-ordination to get there hands to the place where the ball is and the striker would need co-ordination to give or take a pass or have ashot and to put there feet in the right place. Also they would both need reaction time because David James has to place his hands in the right place at the right time to make a save and Jermaine Defoe will need recatio time for a volley or to header the ball. The fitness requirements needed for being:  
Keeper                                                  Striker
1.Co-ordination                                    1.Speed
2.Reaction time                                   2.Agility
3.Flexibility                                          3.Power
4.Agility                                               4.Co-ordination
5.Speed                                                5.Flexibility

They need different requirements because there demands are different. They demand different for example Jermaine Defoe will be running after the ball but David James will be diving to save a shot.
David James needs these fitness components to perfom to the best of his ability. He would need co-ordination to put his hands in the right place to make a save, at the same time as he is making a save he needs reaction time to get your hands, legs, head in the position AT THE RIGHT TIME. He also would need fexability to get in the positions and not get injured. He needs agility to jump and twist into positions using flexibility to make saves at speed.
Jermaine Defoe needs the fitness components under striker to be optimal at his sport. He would need speed to get passed players and chasing down through balls. He also needs agility to turn players at speed. He needs power to explosivly shoot and start a run. He needs co-ordination to give or take a pass and to strike a volley. Defoe will need flexibility to twist into a volley or turn into an overhead kick.

Assigment 2.1
Life style and factors that can affect sport training and peformance.

The media will be a factor that will affect players peformance for example in football. The media affects alot of players but for different resons. One reson will be good press e.g for previous performances a good example is Gareth Bale he is getting good press about his previous performances including the game against Inter Milan he took brazilian Maicon to peices. Or they could be in the press for exclusives about other players who are doing well or need to push there game up for example Alan Tate done a exclusive on Scott Sinclaire before the Swansea vs Cardiff game ( where swans won 1-0). But the media could have a negitive affect on players and this is ussally called bad press. There is different types of bad press the one that will be the worsed will be about there personal lifes. There is a resant scandal about Wayne Rooney who allegily slept with a hooker a couple of times and cheating on his wife in the process. This will have a negative affect on Wayne Rooney to perform to the best of his ability in matches. also a player could have a string of bad performances and the press are running him down but there are players who say if they have one good performances he will be back to them selves.
Injury affects training and performance because you can't play when your injured. It is very frustrating. The problems you would face is other players taking your place. One player who has suffered alot with injury is Owen Hargreves. He plays center midfeild for Manchester United and was a regular for the England team. He has been out of the Manchester United first team and England for over 2 years and played on the weekend and went of after playing for 4 minutes with a hamstring injury. He is probibly feeling negitive about his body. Being injured is also very stressfull because somone else will replace you in the team and if they are doing well you could get excluded by the team.

Diet is critical to a sportsman or women to training and performace. You need a good diet to perform well because a bad diet will affect components such as speed, agility, flexibility, c.v endurance and muscular endurance. but a bad diet will improve your strength and power. A good diet will keep you healthy and performing at your highest standards and teams and managers will want the players to perform. Maintaining a good diet doesn’t ensure good performance during a match/practice, but it will improve the potential to reach a maximum level of performance. Here is some Information on the types of foods a football player should ideally try to eat and use.
Food contains carbohydrate, and fat as well as other important nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.
Carbohydrate can be divided into a simple and complex form. Examples of the two types of carbohydrate are shown below.
Simple carbohydrate Complex carbohydrate
Low-fat confectionery (sweets / candy) Potatoes
Cakes Vegetables
White Sugar Grain
Jam Bread
Soft Drinks (e.g. Coca-cola) Spaghetti / Pasta / Rice
The first few hours after exercise simple carbohydrate can be used to rebuild sugar levels (glycogen stores) at a faster rate. However After 24 hours there is no difference in the two types of carbohydrate. Complex carbohydrate has a high higher nutritional value as it also contain minerals, vitamins, and fibre and therefore this should be preferred.
It is Important that a players diet consists of a high proportion of carbohydrates. Below are some suggestions on how to increase the daily intake of carbohydrates.
• Eat a large portion of potatoes, pasta, or rice with a hot meal
• Eat large portions of vegetables
Boiled or raw vegetables with a hot meal
Raw vegetables as snacks between meals and as a supplement to lunch
• Eat a lot of bread
Cut thick slices
make sandwiches
eat bread with a hot meal
• Eat a lot of fruit
as a snack between meals
as dessert
with cereals
This is primary used for building up tissues, such as muscles. And this can be found in the following food:
• Eggs
• Milk
• Meat
• Fish
Also found in vegetables and grain products (vegetable protein).
Here are some easy guidelines to look in the player’s diet:
• Limit the intake of French fries, potato crisps etc
replace with boiled of baked potatoes
• Limit the use of butter
replace with vegetable margarine
• Limit the intake of whipped cream, cream cheese, etc
replace with low-fat substitutes, e.g. low-fat yoghurt
• Limit the use of margarine for baking and frying
replace with vegetable oil
• Limit the intake of meat, sauces, and other fatty foods
• Limit the intake of whole fat milk
replace with low-fat or preferably, skimmed milk
Minerals and Vitamins
Food and drink supply the body with fluids, energy-producing substrates, and other important components, such as salt, minerals, and vitamins. In a well balanced diet most nutrients are supplied in sufficient amounts.
One of these is iron which can be found in the following foods:
• Animal Organs (liver, heart, and kidneys)
• Dried Fruits
• Bread
• Nuts
• Strawberries
A Diet of a football player
An Example of a Professional football player’s diet for one day is described here in detail. The diet is well balanced, supplying sufficient amounts of carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins.
Food: Four slices of white bread with jam, two whole meal bread rolls with a little butter and jam, with two small tubs of yoghurt.
Fluid: Two cups of tea (without sugar)
Food: Four slices of whole meal bread with a small amount of butter, one egg, two tomatoes, two packets of raisins, two bananas, and a bowl of salad.
Fluid: Three glasses of skimmed milk and one cup of coffee (without sugar)
Food: One bowl (large) of spaghetti with minced meat (beef), half an onion, one tin of skinned tomatoes, and a bowl of salad.
Fluid: Two glasses of skimmed milk.
The three main meals provided an energy intake of approximately 80% of the daily intake of food, of which 63% was from carbohydrate. The remaining energy was obtained from snacks between meals.
Food: One Apple, one packet of raisins, one bag of sweets
Fluid: Two cups of coffee (without sugar) and one litre of juice.
Total for the whole day: 70% carbohydrate. 17% fat and 13% protein.

Sleep is important in sport, if you don't get sleep you wont perform in sport because you wont be alert and be very drowsy and all your body will be tired.
“Research has shown that high performance athletes need more sleep than others. However, sleep is often neglected when considering strategies for optimal training and competition” says EIS Dr Cathy Speed.

Stress is the major problem in sport performance and training as it is linked to everything above and more. It is linked to injury because when someone is injured and somone else takes there place and the player gets back from injury he is going to have the stress of the player playing well and the stress to perform like he did before he got injured. Also another factor to stress is family, if you have a young family and your a pro you need to train but your wife/girlfriend wants you at home to take care off the kids then the kids will be keeping you up all night with there constant screeming. Then you could get butterflys (anxienty) for example before a world cup final or if your a defender and your vs the best striker in the world or a striker and vs the best defender in the world or taking the final penalty to win the world cup final all these would put you off your game but will some times give you some confidense.    

Assignment 3.1
In this assignment we tested a teacher and had to provide a informed consent, health form and infomation about the test we performed.
Informed consent
Are you 45 years old or older?
yes     no

Have you been inactive for the past 12 months?
yes     no

Has a blood relative has suffered heart disease?
yes     no

Do you have elevated cholesterol levels?
yes     no

Are you a Type II diabetic?
yes     no

Do you have high blood pressure?
yes     no

Part 2

Do you have a heart condition?
yes     no

Have you ever experienced chest pains when exercising?
yes     no

Have you ever experienced chest pains when NOT exercising?
yes     no

Do you feel dizzy / lose your balance / ever lost conciousness?
yes     no

Do you suffer from any joint problems?
yes     no

Do you take prescribed drugs for health reasons?
yes     no
Participant signature _________________
Assessors signature __________________
Date of test ___________________
The tests we performed were, the multi-stage fitness test, sit and reach, the illinois agility run and the maximal abdominal curl test.
The multi-stage fitness test is a test for c.v endurance and it monitors the development of an athletes maximum oxygen uptake(v02max). To conduct the test you have to measure out 20 meters and mark with each end with cones. The athlete carrys out a programme of jogging and dynamic streching exercises. The test is conducted as follows the athlete starts running and has to get to the cones on the bleep if the athlete misses the line before the bleep 3 times he\she will be removed for the test.
Sit and reach test tests flexability in the hamstrings.This test involves sitting on the floor with your feet flat against the sit and reach box. After that the athlete leans forward and pushes a clip board as far as they could.
The maxamal abdominal curl test(the sit up test) is a test for muscular endurance. The test is conducted by going into sit up position and you have to do as much sit ups in one minute.

Multi-stage fitness test
The objective of the multi-stage fitness test is to monitor the development of a athletes maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max). The test is conducted as first you measure out a 20 metres and mark with cones.Then the athlete carries out a warm up programme of jogging and dynamic stretching exercises. The athlete must place one foot on the 20m line at the end of the shuttle. If the athlete arrives at the end of a shuttle before the bleep  the athlete must wait for the next bleep then resume running. The athlete must keep running as long as possable until he/she can keep the speed keept by the CD/Tape at which point he or she should withdraw. If the athlete miss a bleep he/she can have 3 more shuttles to regain the required pace set by the CD. The assistant will record the score made by the athlete. After the athlete should perform and cooldown programme.

Maximal abdominal curl test
The objective of this test is to monitor the development of the athlete's abdominal strength.
To undertake this test you will require:
  • Non-slip surface
  • Exercise mat
  • Stopwatch
  • Assistant
The athlete warms up for 10 minutes

The athlete lies on the mat with the knees bent, feet flat on the floor and their hands on their ears where they must stay throughout the test

perform as much sit ups in a minute as you can.

Name of testScore 1Score 2Score 3Best score
35 metre sprint5.
Multi-stage fitness test10 rounds and 4 bleeps10 rounds and 4 bleeps
Sit and reach15161516
maximum abdominal curl 4949

  Assignment 1.6
There are different psychological factors which can affect your performance in sport they are anxiety, motivation, arousal, personality , Confidence. These factors can determin how you perform.
Anxiety It is a state of uneasiness and apprehension, as about future uncertainties. Anxiety is also known as 'butterflys' in your stomach and also nerves. E.g when you see a person on the other  team who are bigger than you.
Motivation is a person trying to achive a goal short term and long term. For example to make the starting team.
Arousal is also known as adrenaline which is a state that makes you perform. Also when your playing sport and you score or make a good tackle and the crowd clap you get more and more excited.
Personality can be defined as an individuals characteristics patterns of thoughts, emotions and behavior.
Confidence can be defined as the belief that you can successfully perform a desired behaviour and also if you have played well for the past few games.

The affects of anxiety on a sports performer can stop them performing but can also motivate you to do well. It can stop you from performing by not tackling the big player on the team because your to scared that you will get injured your self. But if you show no fear and tackle the big player it will give you more confidence to go on and perform better for the rest of the match. An example of anxiety in sport is the England penalty shootout against Portugal in the 2006 world cup in Germany.    
All the England players are feeling the anxiety because for years before this England have lost penalty shoot outs.

A lack of motivation can affect a sports performer because the sports performer will be sad all the time and not enthusiastic about that sport and would'nt perform well in match also the performer would'nt have any goals to chase. But good motivation will get you far as you have set goals for your self to achive and you will play better because you will get the first takle in header the ball. 
An example of this is a coach or mmanagers team talk at half time.

Arousal can affect a performer in a good way. In sport you get aroused when you score a goal and thats why people celebrate goals. When you get aroused in sport you get a rush of adrenaline so it gives you an extra boost.

Your personality is very important to a sports performer. Your personality can afeect your performance because if you can not be bothered to play and you won't play well and your life out side of sport like if you drink and smoke and go out every night you won't be fit to play, you will have a hangover ect for example George Best and Paul Gasgoine But if you keep a good diet and don't go out drinking you will play better and for longer e.g Ryan Giggs.

Confidence to a sports performer is also very important.  When you have good confidence you will play better e.g Garth Bale but if your not playing well your confidence will go down and so will  your performance e.g Wayne Rooney.

All pictures google images
Diet section on http://news.bbc.co.uk/sportacademy/hi/sa/healthy_eating/features/newsid_2164000/2164521.stm
Video's on vimeo and youtube

Comparing my results with the national average

Name of testScore 1Score 2Score 3Best score
35 metre sprint5.
Multi-stage fitness test10 rounds and 4 bleeps10 rounds and 4 bleeps
Sit and reach15161516
maximum abdominal curl 3939

Multistage fitness test
As you can see from the graph I am above average in the multi stage fitness test. this means i have between average and above average in this test and between average and above average levels of c.v endurance. I can improve my c.v endurance by training with continous training and interval training.

Sit and Reach

As you can see i am below poor in the sit and reach test. This means i have very poor levels of flexibility so i have to train with P.N.F streaching.

35 Metre sprint

As you can see from the graph my score is the same as good so i have good levels of speed. If i did want to improve my speed i would do S.A.Q, speed intervals and plyometrics. 

Sit up test

As you can you see from the graph my score is above excellent which means that i have excellent levels of muscular endurance in the abdominal region. If i did want to improve my muscular endurance i would do excessive work in that region progressively getting harder each time e.g. more sit ups, for longer.


  1. Hi, I like the diffrent foods and that stuff but it was difficult to see it due to the colour of the text. But it is very detailed and very good :)

  2. Good use of pictures and videos.

    Can improve my making sure all pictures appear, or having better quality pictures. Make sure that all of the main text is the same colour.

  3. this unit is very good all together there is a lot of description about assisgnments and you could improve the quility of the photos.
