Saturday 4 February 2012

Evaluation of my diet

In previous assignments I suggested why's in which to improve my current diet.

The strengths of my diet now include that I drink alot of water throughout the day which i didn't do before. I have certinally felt better and more hydrated the has helped me in school and training.

Another strength of my diet is my post match/training meals as they contain alot of protien which helps the muscle fibers repair, and when they repair they repair stronger so I can get the best out of my training. Also my pre match/training meals contain alot simple carbohydrates which I eat 1 hour from match or training. Simple carbs are the best as they contain a quick burst of energy and it isn't heavy on your stomach. Some simple carbs include fruit and sweets but the best are fruit as I contains natural sugars.

Another strength is that my breakfasts in the mornings are very good. They are good because they contain complex carbohydrates which are hard to breakdown due to their complex structure this means they relese alot of enegy over a long period of time. These breakfast's gave me a good start to the day.

The weaknesses in my diet are the lack of micro-nutrients in my diet. The way I could solve this problem is to take multi-vitamin tablets in the morning to even out my diet. I could also eat more vegitables as they are full of good vitamins, the best ones are dark green left veggies.

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