Unit-2 Practical sport

Training videos

Btec sport- Shooting from Brad David on Vimeo.

Dribbling practise from Brad David on Vimeo.

Penalty taking from Brad David on Vimeo.

Assignment 2
Managers use tactics to get an advantage over other team. There are loads of different tactics 4-4-2 , 4-3-3, 4-4-2(A), 4-5-1.


This formation relies on the attackers being supported by any players in the midfield but this formation is the most simple but effective as you don’t leave any part of the pitch in space this is good because you can close down the opposition quickly and if you miss a tackle you will always have support in a centre midfielder if you’re a striker or centre backs if you’re a centre midfielder. 

4-4-2 (a)

This is more of and attacking approach to the 4-4-2 which left and right midfielder turn to wingers and if you are like Swansea wide men which people call wing play this allows the strikers to be supported by the wingers to cross the ball in or play as inside forward which means they cut inside and go for glory for example Blackpool.


This formation relies on the wingers being supported by the two centre midfielders and also playing balls through to them, but the wingers have to be speedy and the striker has to be tall. A team which will play well is Tottenham Hotspur because they have Gareth Bale on the left and Aaron Lennon on the right and they are both really speedy then you got Peter Crouch in the centre who is 201 cm and very good at heading. Other teams which play this is Swansea City and it works very well with Nathan Dyer and Scott Sinclair and Fabio Borini who is quick but he plays as a poacher who hangs back for Dyer and Sinclair to shoot or cross it low (drill crosses) and slides in and takes a goal or waits for the wingers to shoot and the keeper to parry then he takes a goal.        


This is more of an attacking approach to the 4-3-3 tactic. The attacking midfielder plays just off the centre forward and sometimes plays as a playmaker. The centre forward might be a target man in whom the wingers cross it to him, if he’s tall on the head but if he’s good with his feet to the feet. The centre midfielders play as defensive midfielders and sometimes just of the back four.    


This is a defensive tactic that managers sometimes do when they are in front by one and against a good team like Scotland played this tactic against Brazil in a friendly. This formation relies on the DM wining all the tackles you would normally play a defender or a strong midfielder e.g. Roy Keane. The striker has to big and physical or small and quick.     






Counter attack

When you counter attack in football you let the team attack you first, then when you get the ball you attack really quickly. This can be achieved when the opponent’s team has got a corner or has been attacking for a long time. You must have fast players on the wings and someone fast and tall in the centre. You let the fast players run with it to the halfway line then he passes it to the centre. The winger can’t run the whole length of the pitch because when you have the ball at your feet you can’t run full speed so the other defenders can catch him up and passing is faster than dribbling. Some teams like Barcelona and Swansea like to counter attack by passing. Other ways is to play the long ball, which is to kick the ball, the length of the pitch and chase but this isn’t very effective and doesn’t take a lot of skill, it also doesn’t look good.


The possession game


The possession game is where you keep the ball for long periods of time and don’t lose it, this makes the other team chase the ball and they become very fatigued. Teams achieve this by passing in triangles around the opposing team. An example of teams whom do this is Swansea city, Arsenal and Barcelona. 





Wing Play

Wing play involves two wide men e.g. Scott Sinclair and Nathan Dyer, both fast players. The ball will be played through to them and they will chase them. The ball will be wide and they will cross it in but you could also play inside forwards who run inside and shoot. You would put a left footed player on the right and a right-footed player on the left so they can come inside and shoot.





Positions in football

1.      Goal keeper- this position needs a tall person who is good at using there hands and good in the air, also someone with a big personality to shout at the defence to get them organised because the keeper has the best view of the pitch. The goalkeeper plays in goal. A good example of this is Manuel Neuer he is the keeper for Germany and Schalke 04. 
2.      Full back- this position needs quick players with good c.v endurance but can tackle and mark also close down the opposing team. These players play behind the left and right midfielders. A good example is Ashley Cole for England and Chelsea. 
  3.      Centre back- this position needs a strong player whom is very good at tackling and marking. They also need to be tall to win headers. These players play in the centre of the defence. A good example is Nemanja Vidic for Serbia and Manchester United.
4.      Wingers- this position needs a player who is fast and good at dribbling and crossing. These players play on the sides of the pitch to stretch the opposition. The best example is Lionel Messi.
5.      Centre midfield- these players can be of any build and speed but they have to be good passers of the ball but also good at tackling and marking and taking long shots. A good example of this is Steven Gerrard.
          6.  Striker- there are two types a target man and a poacher. A target man has to be tall or good with his feet because you can tell the team to play it to feet or to head. A good example of this is Peter Crouch England and Tottenham Hotspurs. A poacher has to be small and make good runs to tap the ball in or if the keeper fumbles it the poacher gets the rebound. A good example is Javier Hernandez (chicharito) Mexico and Manchester United.  
Javier hernandez
Peter Crouch

Assignment 3
Rules and regulations within football.

Rules and regulations

Assignment 5
Goal line technology

 People have been criticising goal line technology in football for ages, they want it they don’t want it, well this is my view. We should have goal line technology in football because some teams have had a goal disallowed because 1. The referee didn’t see the whole of the ball cross the goal line 2. The assistant referee (linesman) didn’t see the whole of the ball cross the line by different reasons the referees or assistant referees view could have been blocked by a player or the keeper, the assistant ref could have been out of position. Theirs a famous incident in the 2010 world cup when England were playing Germany, Lampards shot came of the cross bar and the ball went past the line so it was a goal but the ref and his assistant were out of position and didnt see it so they didn’t allow the goal. This could have affected the out come of the match but England becuase the score was 2-1 germany and the goal was just before half time, the score after the match was 4-2 germany. This is similar to another goal which was allowed and people to this day don’t know if it should have stood, in the 1966 world cup final Geoff Hurst’s shot rattled the cross bar and bounced off the goal line and it was given. Most people (germans) dont think it went in this also affected the outcome of that match as england won 4-2.  Most people don’t want goal line technology because they don’t want football turning into a technological sport with loads of technology within the sport, people say football isn’t football with out the bad decisions made by referees, like what will we talk about then. I think the newspapers don’t want goal line technology aswell because they want stories like the Lampard incident to go on their back pages and such.

Assignment 6
We analylesd the performance of a player from a team.
Position: Centre Midfielder          Game: Football     Name: Jack Rodwell        Team: Everton. № 26 Score:  Newcastle united 2- 1 Everton.

Made good passes to other player’s feet and stayed composed under pressure from the other team to make passes. He also had a good first touch when receiving the ball.    
He Kept the ball close to his feet and didn’t get tackled when on the ball.
His heading was very good, clearing the ball on several occasions. He also scored a goal with a header from a corner.
He tackled when he was asked to but he wasn’t lunging into any tackles.
I didn’t see him shoot.

He was average going forward keeping the momentum going by heading the ball.
He tackled when he needed to and cleared the ball with his head.
He held his position in the middle of the park and didn’t roam.

Understanding the game

He was in the right place in corners and free kicks to clear the ball away. He also was closing down opponents to reduce their passing options so they might make a mistake. 

Commenting on jacks performance he had a solid game but he didnt get involved really like making tackles and closing down more often. he needs to work on his work rate which is very hard to change maybe he needs a talk with the manager. He also needs to inprove making space fore shooting like run into space instead of moving into a group of players. He can do this by playing alot of 5-5 side football, 5-5 side football makes you better at creating space for yourself and others this is very usefull for a midfielder.
As a defencive midfeilder he needs to try and get the ball instead of marking someone else who is unlikly to get the ball, like give the defence more cover. To improve his tackling he needs to pick the right time to tackle, the best time to tackle an opponent is when they just recieve the ball, this is because if they take a heavey touch you can pounce on the ball. 

Technical Components - How many?
Completed passes - 20
Uncompleted passes - 2
Successful Dribbles – 2
Unsuccessful dribbles – 0
Shots on target (headers) – 2 Both headers
Shots off target – 0
Tackles completed – 1
Missed tackled – 0
Fouls committed – 1
Assists – 0
Goals – 1
Receiving passes – 15
Clearances – 5
Offsides – 1
Tactical Components
Entries into box- 2
Goals scored inside box – 1
Goals scored from corners- 1
Number of corners won- 1
Being involved in attacking play- 4

Analysing my own performance
Position:left winger

Technical components         Ratings 1-10                            Comments                    .
I’ve got good insight into were the player wants the cross and can choose where to cross it e.g front post.
I’ve got good power in my shoots but I haven’t got very good accuracy in my shoots as I sometimes miss the target.
I’m am good at short passes and good at long balls but the long balls lack the length.
I am very good on the ball and keep the ball very close to my feet making it very hard to take the ball of my feet. Also i can change direction with the ball very well
I can out jump opponents but can’t direct attacking headers. I have good power in my defensive headers.

Tactical components           Ratings 1-10                            Comments     .

I get past players and create opportunities by crossing the ball but don’t get myself in the shooting positions
I am a capable defender when asked like I can mark header and tackle.
Work rate
I work as hard as I can to win the ball or get into areas. Try to please the manager.
I tend to wonder off into the middle of the pitch instead of staying on the wing and I am forever asked to get back on the wing by spectators.
Creating space
As I wonder I lose my marker or the defender follows me and I leave a gap on the wing for the ball to be played into but this has a down side as the centre of the park becomes too congested
Making runs
I make good straight line runs down the wings but these are not as effective as diagonal runs which open up defences

Analysing my performance

My attacking play seems to be very good with the attacking at 7 and creating space and making runs are also very high which contributes to an attacking movement in football. But somthing i need to work on is my defending and my positioning, this will make me overall a better player. I can improve my positioning by listening to the people on the touchline as they have a better view than me of the pitch. I don't normally play defence but if i did i would try not to dive into tackles and stand the player. This will make me a better defender.  

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