6 week Training programme

In this 6 week training programme I am going to try and develop my cardio-vascular endurance(c.v endurance), explosive strength(power) also  work on techniqe for me my crossing in football. These are my short term goals to work help me complete my long term goal which is to sustain a first place in the school football team. The start of my training programme
Thursday 27th January
Morning:Plyometric training.
The plyometric training session me and my training partner and my brother Josh included Bench jumps,weighted squat jump,box hurldle jumps and plyometric pressups. In the session we worked for 1 minute and rested for 30 secconds. This worked my explosive strength and my c.v endurance.

Evening:PNF Streching
The session we done was PNF streching and in that session we done the Hamstring stretch and the shoulder joint stretch. We done this session to improve our flexability.

Friday 28th January
Evening:20 minute run
I went running down a cycling track. This helps my c.v endurance

Saturday 29th January
Morning:football match
Today we i was soposed to play against our rivals murton but it was posponed to sunday 30th January.

 Evening:Crossing skills
This evening I went down the park with my dad to practise my crossing skills. My dad is 6ft4in so i have to cross high so he can head it.

Sunday 30th January
Morning: The posponed game
In this game we lost 2-1 gutted :(

Evening: PNF
The session we done was PNF streching and in that session we done the Hamstring stretch and the shoulder joint stretch. We done this session to improve our flexability.
Tuesday 1st Febuary
Morning: C.v endurance
We done the session indoors because the feild was closed so we done them indoors and in shuttles.
Wednesday 2nd Febuary
Evening: Club Training
In Training we done 5-5 aside football matchs in teams of 5 then we swaped with the other team whom was doing the fitness training which was agility and techniqe of running. The agility was running in and out of poles. After that we devided our teams up and played a big match for 10 minutes.#

Thrusday 3rd Febuary
Morning: Circuit Training
The circuit included 10 kettle bell swings, 25 situps,10 pressups,15 squats,1 minute of step ups and 5 laps of the gym. We had a rest of 1 minute after each circuit. This is a c.v endurance circuit but it has got some power and muscular endurance.

Evening:PNF streching
The session we done was PNF streching and in that session we done the Hamstring stretch and the shoulder joint stretch. We done this session to improve our flexability.
Friday 4th Febuary
Evening: 20 minute run
Same as before
Saturday 5th febuary
Morning: Game called off
Evening: Crossing 
Down the park with my brother
Sunday 6th Febuary
Morning:PNF streching
The session we done was PNF streching and in that session we done the Hamstring stretch and the shoulder joint stretch. We done this session to improve our flexability.
Tuesday 8th Febuary 
Morning: Interval training
Today we done c.v endurance intervals and the session included 2x 250m and 4x200m.

Wednesday 9th Febuary
Evening: Football training
In training tonight we first done running techniqe and sprint training. After that we went and done shooting practise and compeating for a header from a thow-in. In the last 12 mins we played a match.
Thursday 10th Febuary
Morning: Plyometric circuit
In the plyometrics circuit we worked for 40 secs and rested for 20 secs. The exercises we done was Jumping over benches, Spring board jump over boxes and box hurdle jumps. The session lasted 20 mins.
Evening: PNF stretching
The session we done was PNF streching and in that session we done the Hamstring stretch and the shoulder joint stretch. We done this session to improve our flexability.
Friday 11th Febuary
Evening:20 min run
I went for  20 min run with my brother down the local park on the field.
Saturday 12th Febuary
Morning: Game called off
Evening: Crossing skills
I went down the park and practised my crossing by trying to get the ball off the ground by shooting in a goal.
Sunday 13th Febuary
Evening: PNF stretching
The session we done was PNF streching and in that session we done the Hamstring stretch and the shoulder joint stretch. We done this session to improve our flexability.
Tuesday 15th Febuary
Morning: C.v endurance intervals
today in this session we done 6x200m 4x250m. Rest for 20sec. This session ran for 40min
Wednesday 16th Febuary
Evening: Club training
In training tonight we split into two groups. In my group we had to split up into groups again and do a game of defence-attack when a small group split into 3-3 but in the defening group one would go in goal so it would make it 2-3 so the attacking side will have the advantage (The manager wanted to see the players making runs) ,Then we went to do a running task called the zigg-zagg run which helped our agility, and speed.
Thursday 17th Febuary
Morning: Circuit training
I done a c.v endurance circuit. The circuit had 10 x press-ups, 10 x kettle bell swings, 1 min of step ups,    25 x sit-ups, 2 laps of the gym. We done 3 circuits.
Evening: PNF stretching
The session we done was PNF streching and in that session we done the Hamstring stretch and the shoulder joint stretch. We done this session to improve our flexability.
Friday 18th Febuary
Evening: 20 min run
I went down the local cycle track and ran for 20 min
Saturday 19th Febuary
Morning: Game was on :)
We played the other mumbles and lost 6-0 I played all match and had a shot cleared of the line.
Evening: Crossing skills
I was trying to cross it to my dad who is 6ft 4in and got it to his head most of the time.
Sunday 20th Febuary
Evening: PNF Stretching
The session we done was PNF streching and in that session we done the Hamstring stretch and the shoulder joint stretch. We done this session to improve our flexability.
Tuesday 22nd Febuary
Morning: C.v endurance intervals
we done 6x200m then 4x250m This last 40min. Rest 20sec.
Wednesday 23rd Febuary
Evening: Club training
In training we split into two groups. In the first group we split into two teams and played a match while players one at each time went off to have a go at passing at a rebound board. Then we swaped with the other group and practised our agilty by running in and out off poles. Then we played a match at the end off training for the last 12 min.
Thursday 24th Febuary
Morning: SAQ
In this session we got out a ladder and a set of cones. We done a series of drills which was one foot in each of the sections of the ladder,two feet in each of the section, jump in with both feet and jump with your legs open to the side, Face forward to the side of the ladder then two feet in each then out then move to the next section and face forwad but stand to the side of the first section and move sideways out then back in ect.
Evening: PNF Stretching
The session we done was PNF streching and in that session we done the Hamstring stretch and the shoulder joint stretch. We done this session to improve our flexability.
Friday 25th Febuary
Evening: 20min run
I ran around the park feild.

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