Sunday 5 February 2012

Client 3 older experienced individual

Older experienced person

Specificity is one of the principles you need to consider if you are making a training programme. The training must be relent to the goals and targets set by the older individual, these might be just to improve quality of life of to lose some weight but the best fitness component to do these is c.v endurance because it improves the way the heart and lungs get your body oxygen and the blood moving around the body. As the client is experienced in training methods I could try a range of them but his skill level might not be able to cope as he is an older individual.

Understanding that his body might not cope I will apply the overload very gradually so that he doesn't become injured and doesn't complete the programme this would be bad physically and mentally. I would overload on time first then frequency, after he makes progress and starts to get fitter which would be toasted the end of the training programme I would overload intensity.

My client would need to train quite alot through the week as the principle of reversibility would kick in but this client has past experience in training so reveesibilty wouldn't take so much of his improvements.

As my client has past experience in training he probably has come across some of the training before so I would have to change some things like swimming would take less strain of his body than running or running on different surfaces

Client 2elite athlete

For this we need to make sure that the training is specific to the sport or position of that sport for an elite athlete. So say we are doing a 100m sprint we would concentrate on speed for them. The kind of training used would be plyometrics or speed intervals. As an elite athlete are already fit I don't need to worry about giving them high impact work. Alis they are really experienced in training so I could give them more complex training. The programme for an elite athlete would be to get the mist out of the training, reach the optimum training level.

As the elite client would want to get the most out of his body, I can apply overload quickly without worrying to much because the client is very experienced at training. If I would overload I would overload frequency because the client can push themselfs harder also the client would already be training for long periods of time and every day so you can't improve frequency or time. The type is very important as the client would have already done alot of training and would get bored if he us doing the same thing over and over again.

Reversibility won't affect an elite athlete as much as a sedentary client as the elite athlete has more experience and they improve less but also decrease less so it takes longer for reversibility to take place, but it does happen in the off season and injury but in the off season athlete do something called active rest which helps them stay fit without to much strain on their body.

The next principle would be variance. As an elite athlete has so much more experience he/she would be used to the training methods sO you got keep it intresring by changing the area in which you train maybe different training methods or partners. Their would be a range of methods that these clients would be able to cope with as their skill and experience level is high.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Evaluation of my diet

In previous assignments I suggested why's in which to improve my current diet.

The strengths of my diet now include that I drink alot of water throughout the day which i didn't do before. I have certinally felt better and more hydrated the has helped me in school and training.

Another strength of my diet is my post match/training meals as they contain alot of protien which helps the muscle fibers repair, and when they repair they repair stronger so I can get the best out of my training. Also my pre match/training meals contain alot simple carbohydrates which I eat 1 hour from match or training. Simple carbs are the best as they contain a quick burst of energy and it isn't heavy on your stomach. Some simple carbs include fruit and sweets but the best are fruit as I contains natural sugars.

Another strength is that my breakfasts in the mornings are very good. They are good because they contain complex carbohydrates which are hard to breakdown due to their complex structure this means they relese alot of enegy over a long period of time. These breakfast's gave me a good start to the day.

The weaknesses in my diet are the lack of micro-nutrients in my diet. The way I could solve this problem is to take multi-vitamin tablets in the morning to even out my diet. I could also eat more vegitables as they are full of good vitamins, the best ones are dark green left veggies.