Monday 29 November 2010

Circuit training

Today in Btec we done a circuit training exercise. Circuit training is good because is develops more fitness components and you can change the stations to develop other fitness components.
But in our lesson we had ten stations and we split into partners. To make sure we knew the course we done 20 seconds on each station to make sure we knew what we were doing. This session concentrated on c.v endurance, muscular endurance and strength.

1. Sit-ups this is done by sitting down next to a wall bar and hooked your feet under the bottom part of the wall bar. This mainly worked our abdominal muscles and the fitness component trained: Muscular endurance.
2.  Air squats this is performed by putting your feet shoulder width apart and heels in a bit. When we perform the squat we want to go under the knees and we don't want to be going on to our toes(keep hells planted to the ground) worked our quads and hamstrings. The fitness component trained :Muscular endurance.
3.Wall bar climb to perform this its like climbing a ladder but fasted and more explosively. This worked our whole body. The fitness component trained : Speed, muscular endurance,c.v endurance and strength.
4.Burpees work by
1. Stand with your hips shoulder width apart with your hands at your sides.
2. Squat down to the floor placing your hands on the ground in front of you.
1. Stand with your hips shoulder width apart with your hands at your sides.
2. Squat down to the floor placing your hands on the ground in front of you.
3. Shift your weight to arms and kick your legs back and out straight so you are in a plank position.
4. Jump your feet back in to their original point.
5. Stand back up straight.
Burpees work the whole body. Fitness components:Strength, muscular endurance.

5.Bench jump is easy to perform find a bench, put your feet ether side of the bench jump and come back down again this worked our leg muscles. The fitness component trained : Muscular endurance.

6.Leaning push-up, to perform this properly you need a beam raised off the ground about 1m, then go under the beam and hook your arms around the beam, then extend legs out. After that fully extend arms down and pull your self back up. This works your arms. Fitness components trained :strength and muscular endurance.
7.Press-up are performed by first Lie chest-down with your hands at shoulder level, palms flat on the floor and slightly more than shoulder-width apart, your feet together and parallel to each other.Look forward rather than down at the floor. The first contact you make with the floor with any part of the face should be your chin, not your nose.Keep your legs straight and your toes tucked under your feet.Straighten your arms as you push your body up off the floor. Keep your palms fixed at the same position and keep your body straight. Try not to bend or arch your upper or lower back as you push up.Lower your body slowly towards the floor. Bend your arms and keep your palms in fixed position. Keep body straight and feet together. This works your arms. The fitness component:Muscular endurance,strength.
8.Squat thrusts. To perform a squat thrust you have to go into a press up position and then raise your legs to your shoulders and back again we repeated for 45 secs. This worked our legs and abdominal muscles. Fitness component:Speed.
9.Bench lift. To perform the bench lift you need a bench and a wall bar to hook it on. You lift the bench up to your neck then over your head then back down to your neck repeat this. This worked your arms and lower back. Fitness component: Strength, muscular endurance.
10.Step-ups. To perform this task you need a bench or a box, step. Walk up to your bench(box or step will do)step on with both feet and step off with both feet. This works your legs. Fitness component:Muscular endurance and c.v endurance.

Advantages of this training
  • Works loads of fitness components
  • Can change to what ever you want to train
  • Not boring
Disadvantages of this training
  • Need alot of equipment and space
  • Get fatigued easily
Circuit training exercises from Joseph Pennington on Vimeo.

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